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I had so many lovely ideas for this weeks blog. You would have been moved by it all like a herd of beautiful funky elephants in a prune patch.But before the magic could happen, there was another assault from Terrible Tom. The man who risks life, limb and basic human dignity to bring back a haul of music magic laid evidence of a foul yet gorgeous attempt at fraud on me like an emailed bomb.Three magic numbers. 419. In the British inherited and thus often abused Criminal Law of Nigeria, these three digits mean "Advance Fee Fraud." In human terms, a Long Con where the Mark is offered a tale of untold riches if only a bit of money, passports, more money, sex, jewels and whatever can unlock it.Like so much in our degraded age, there is nothing remotely new about it. Some call it "The Spanish Prisoner" and it appears in comic form sent down from the Dark Ages via Chaucer and Boccaccio. A man comes into a new place with wild stories of a relative or brother. maybe even your long lost Second Cousin, in a jail somewhere but hidden goodies. If you could only pay off the guard or someone you could share in the bounty...and surely who wouldn't?The xenophobic obscenity of how immigration is seen in many wealthy countries means that there is a surplus of reasonably clever, ambitious people in places like Nigeria in particular with little to do than hang around in internet cafes trying to trick the greedy and silly in richer parts of the world. In fact, while Nigerian pop music has long been degraded into little more than a late 80s Casio toy keytar on "Tropical" automatic mode for many depressing reasons, the musical comedian Osuofia, allegedly involved with a 419 scam himself, offers an alternative perspective worth cherishing. Some fight back by forcing the 419ers to perform themselves. Enough of that. Here is, with no Inner Sleeve interference, a truly remarkable Christmas novelty record oriented 419 Tom forwarded to me. Truly the sonic horde of a lifetime:"HelloMy name is Agboluaje from Nigeria i got your website on Google that you buying old vinyl records i want to ask you can you buy from Africa Nigeria we have all what you are looking for like this albums Africans music,rock & pop, soul & dance, jazz, punk and reggae very neat and playing fine have attached some of the albums in the mix of 10,000 albums in our store we have export it to New York several time if you like to buy from us let me know we have more than 50,000 albums in our store and we ready to sell it to abroad.We are looking forward to your respondsTel; +2348186964675cuteeskay@yahoo.comskype;agboluaje69Thanks"We may have some fun with this.But you'll have more fun in our Rat racks this Sat with our haul. What have we got?More classy library music, hip hop and modern R&B, US soul and rare grooves originals, classic rock and US punk and alternative of the harshest kind, Drum and bass and of course, reggae, with a great selection of 90's re issues and late 70's & 80's originals. It's looking like a real big one. So you know what to do...
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