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Cut it Crowdsource-y

I bet you thought I would degrade all us Rat admirers by talking about the methanated spectacle that was the B(SH)RITS. With boi band nonsense blaspheming Blondie, GP rejects with novelty hair bland baladeering etc etc. Wrong.Only the sadly lost genius genre of Horrorcore Rap offers a way forward. Because Tom and Philippe, who are connected to the whole of the music world to a degree that renders me irrelevant, instead took matters into a more positive and hopeful direction like a couple of alchemists in a sewage management convention.For there is a black wax phoenix ready to be appraised. You may recall the Chavcommando Raid of the Underclass a while back, when a failure of policing unleashed the greedy Vandal raid reality under the stairs? Amongst their tastless taking of obvious crass trainer trophies, the bored and shameless set fire to a warehouse in the suburban sewage belt that just happened to hold the entire stock of a lot of major independent labels. People that could not spell "Warp" set light to legions of music that our late capitalist age cannot bear to replace, despite insurance cover.This meant plenty of stuff, especially vinyl, went up in smoke seemingly forever.These days even the best of the major labels in music and video are reluctant to make physical product. Like so many tragedies, this is more a fault of the sheeple people punters than the Man - as gimps download stuff or else just don't care. Even big movie labels like Paramount now rely on tiny indies like Olive Films to make DVDs and Blurays of the classics. To their credit, Warner Brothers, the greatest of the major studios, offer a DVD on Demand service Stateside making stone cold genius movies available to punters for a decent price. They can't do it elsewhere because of the Rights rape nonsense where it is not clear who owns what and someone who funded the horse feed in a Western has an obscene veto over who sees what near you.But what about music? To this day the same web of greed prevents classic records from appearing on CD, much less the sacred form of vinyl. So what to do? Crowdfunding is more overplayed than fucking Goyte and his semiKiwi Gagagag naked mate, but might offer a way Forward.Ninja Tune is a seminal label which was a co-victim of the estate wildlife wildfire, and with typical innovation has found a partial solution. Beat Delete. This means you can sign up to promise to buy repress wax from Ninja and friends, and when the promises rack up into something bigger, it happens. One hopes it is just a start - imagine extending the concept to Studio One, or Treasure Isle, Milestone and beyond? It would upset the FleaBay blingtards who live off love of the Groove, but assuming the vinyl is made from something better than MP3 - which is sadly not a given these days, it truly could be genius.But in the Real meantime, we have a massive beat buffet of magic in our New In. Much like an Old Bailey Trial, expect photographic evidence Friday PM, but here's the hint now:A lot of Hip Hop and Breaks, also Reggae, Classic Rock and plenty of Indie. Expect Dr Octagon, Sex pistols, half pint+Michale Palmer, Naturalites, John Mayall, Bert jansch+Renbourn, UTFO, Ultramagnetic M.Cs, Awesome Dre and the Hardcore Commitee, Krispy 3, Warren G, Tighten Up and Ultimate Breaks comps... Arab Strap, Neil Young, Scott Walker, and plenty more. See you there.
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