Tom Fisher - expert record dealer, and Bighead?

I started Rat Records in 1988, selling my vinyl albums on a street market in Oxford because I was skint and I needed money to buy more records! I then graduated to Camden and Greenwich markets at the weekend, with the odd 2nd hand record fair. In 1993 I got the first of a series of four Rat Records shops in Greenwich, London. In 1999 Rat Records relocated our CD and record shop to Camberwell and passed into many adventures and local legend! We closed the shop down in June 2022 when the lease expired and now I just roam the country, buying records!
Since 1988 I reckon we've sold just over 1,350,000 used records, shifted over 400,000 second hand CDs, stuck on 2,000,000 plus price stickers (OK the staff did a lot of that), driven over 900,000 miles, worn out the suspension of over 15 vehicles and discovered the only vinyl acetate of a collaboration between Mick Jagger and John Lennon. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/2672011.stm
I also have 2 more children, a grandchild and a lot less hair than when I started. My job is fantastic. I get to travel the country buying records, meeting interesting people and hearing the stories behind their music collections. Then I get those records to people who want them.
I'm a highly experienced and professional record dealer. From the start I will be completely straight and clear with you about how I will buy your collection, my prices, method and logic.
I'm out searching nationwide to buy vinyl from you. I'm the man you should speak to and who will come round to buy your records with the cash.
From the FInal Rat Records shop...

The Magnificent Five. Staff at the end of the final days' trade at Rat Records, Camberwell.

Guest vinyl DJ sets from the Camberwell shop...relive the Saturday magic.
Rat Sessions #36: DJ Bunnyhausen
February 18, 2017
Krautrock mix from Record SHOP Day 2016
Rat Sessions #35. Gizelle Rebel Yelle
January 24, 2017
From spring 2016. Marvellous.
Rat Session 29: Disco R Dance
January 16, 2016
Rat Session 28: Tom Buchanan
January 16, 2016
Rat Session 34: John Flindt, April 2016?!
January 1, 2016
This one is for the Jazz, Disco and soulful heads out there. John is originally from Manchester and is studying arts in London. There's little more I can say because I was not there and Pete can't seem to be able to tell me much due to the fact that he was not completely there either, as he had only 3 hours of sleep due to our Party at the Tiger the night before. Pete says "it was a good Saturday afternoon, the was flowing through Charles Mingus into disco, soul, exotica some housey bits at the end... " Ps : we tried our best but failed to find a way to upload that picture straight...
Managers of the shop: Philippe and Andre
Philippe was asked to leave France 25 years ago for liking the Cure a little bit too much. Naturally he ended up as the final and greatest manager of Rat Records.
His eclectic tastes and undiminished passion for new exciting sounds made him the perfect man for the job.
Philippe's indepth musical knowledge veers from ragtime blues all the way to techno via post rock, indie and electronica, reggae and jazz although obviously his real passion is Burgundy.
Philippe took care of the smooth running of the business. Desperately trying to research and price the vast amount of records that Tom was constantly bringing in,Philippe was also known for driving seasoned record dealers to tears with his infamous 'price challenge'.
Philippe and his Gallic ways were balanced out by the permanently friendly and unflappable assistant manager Andre (group photo, second left, he's too modest for a portrait!). Andre's kindness and attention to detail were second to none.
After escaping from Margate and the world of cinema, Andre quickly became our master of mail order, king of the CD racks and brought a human touch to the counter. Sustained only by coffee, Oreos and roll-ups, Andre's smile never failed. Nor did his ongoing love and fascination with jangly antipodean guitar pop, psychedelic musical gems, heartfelt singer-songwriters, folk guitarists and anything with a Rickenbacker on it. Andre was also secretly a metalhead of sorts.
These two gentlemen were the best team the shop ever had.